Wednesday, November 18, 2009


We cleaned the hood over the oven last about some serious grease. It was gross.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Congrats to Jill, Kyle, Matt, and Patrick on successful completion of their final probationary test! Way to go guys!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Almost there...

After 12 long months of hard work our B-shift Probationary Firefighter is about to undertake her last challenge: the final practical test. It promises to be a long, tough day of continuous firefighter/apparatus operator evolutions! Good luck to Jill and good luck to the other probies Matt, Kyle, and Patrick! You're almost there.....

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hey all - just a quick shot out from your friendly B-shifters.  It's been business as usual for us: the occasional fire, lots of medical calls, and tons of training for our probies.  We're also ramping up our Wellness/Fitness Initiative.  There are several B-shifters involved as peer fitness trainers and we're looking to continually advocate and encourage a culture change within our profession.  To that end we've just purchased some new fitness equipment and distributed it to the various stations.  Along with that we're planning some department-wide workout sessions in March.  The focus of these will address not only physical agility and strength but also the nutritional component as well.  More to come on this soon!  That's all for now. Stay safe!